The Business Communication Arts and Communication Innovation Program has collaborated to conduct the evaluation report for educational quality assurance, specifically the Self-Assessment Report (SAR) at the curriculum level, 2023, to ensure accuracy befor

December 12, 2023 (Admin) News & Event

 On May 23, 2023, lecturers for the Bachelor of Communication Arts collaborated to evaluate the educational quality assurance of their program, specifically the Self-Assessment Report (SAR). They investigated the correctness of the report based on the responsible lecturers’ indicators and co-investigated the accuracy before proposing the results to the Office of Quality Assurance at Yala Rajabhat University. The purpose of this evaluation was to prepare for the upcoming evaluation on June 20, 2023, which would take place in the Room of Business Communication Arts and Communication Innovation Program, 5th Floor, Management Sciences Building, Yala Rajabhat University. 


Reporter: Miss Mydiana Pohloh

News Editor: Lecturer Sathita Kaewlek