Business Computer and Digital Technology Program's lecturers participate in the 1st/2024 curriculum meeting.

April 19, 2024 (Admin) News & Event

 The lecturers of the Bachelor of Business Administration, Business Computer and Digital Technology Program participated in the first curriculum meeting for the year 2024 on March 13th. The meeting was chaired by Assistant Professor Suthat Rungrawiwon and attended by Assistant Professor Dr. Thanakul Kutipakdee, Lecturer Waesamsudin Waedoko, Lecturer Sophie Hayeyusoh, Lecturer Amornthep Maneeniam, and Lecturer Ismaae-ae Yeemasae. The agenda for the meeting included discussions on the following topics:

1. Purchase list of materials for each lecturer (4000 baht per lecturer)

2. Budget plan for the year 2025 

3. Issues related to student supervision 

4. Quality assurance 

5. Curriculum improvements 

6. Appointment of a curriculum chairman 

7. Seminar for personnel on duty students 

8. Verification activity